A Company with Soul

  Kutech 擁有各種頂尖軟體與硬體技術團隊, 汲取數十年的經驗來建造一個全新客戶產品開發的架構。我們考量客戶產品在市場環境的各種可能會發生競爭性風險,並在產品設計時建立一套因應競爭性的新方式。
  Kutech 不僅對於iOS、Android、OSX、Windows行動應用app設計實力,同時在軟體、Alogrithm 演算法技術、硬體整合創新功能和服務在每台裝置上緊密合作,一同為客戶產品提供最高的科技性、娛樂性、設計性和直接的消費者體驗,以滿足消費者其特定的產品更新速度。
  預測未來的最好方式是創造它,Kutech 總是堅持科技創新與品質,是您市場化最佳委外設計夥伴之一。
The best way to predict the future is to create it. The software can have inexhaustible innovation and creation; therefore, it’s enchanting. The recent technology develops in order to meet the user’s needs. To outsource a partner for your software products will not be a headache anymore. KUTech offers you a wide range of customized software key components, platforms and application. With years of experiences and knowledge in the software application field, KUTech is now one of the best outsourcing partners in this commercialize. With KUTech, we shorten your product development cycle and make you the first on "Time to Market".

 How can Kutech help companies gain competitive advantage in today's marketplace ?
 Solve customer problem :
‧How to realize faster time to market and value with software solutions.
‧Great user-interface
‧Durable & Reliable
‧Low cost & TCO
‧LOB use cases

 New Products :
‧KP-6000 Series 1D/2D Data Collector.
‧KP-8000 Series 1D/2D Barcode Scanner Module.  PLAY VIDEO
‧KP-9000 Series 1D/2D Barcode Scanner.
‧iBLETool360 BLE Management App.  PLAY VIDEO

 Application Platform
 OSX, iOS, Android, Windows, Linux
‧OSX Yosemite 10.10 (EDR, Health Care, GPS, Google Map, Apple Map, Baidu Map, Bing Map, Yandex Map)
‧iOS 9.1 (Inventory, BLE, Surveillance, Painting, Health Care, Travel & Sports)
‧Apple Watch (Sleep Time)
‧Android 4.4 (Health Care, BLE, Inventory, Camera, Algorithm)
‧Windows 8.1 (ESD, GPS, Google Map, Apple Map, Baidu Map, Bing Map, Yandex Map)
‧Ubuntu Linux (Scale App)

 Dedicated Team :
‧Bluetooth Data Collector Module
‧1D/2D Barcode Scanner Module
‧SPP to HID driver for Android
‧IP Camera Video Suveillance for iPhone/iPad
‧Health Care for iPhone/iPad
‧Paint Brush for iPhone/iPad
‧Inventory Management for iPhone/iPad
‧Assets Management for iPhone/iPad
‧Food & Breavage POS for iPhone/iPad
‧Zigbee Home Secure for iPhone/iPad
‧Customer Information of Exhibition for iPhone/iPad
‧GPS location for iPhone/iPad
‧RTSP for iPhone/iPad
‧Access Control Surveillance Solutions
‧ESD-1000 ESD Surveillance Solutions
‧ESD-2000 ESD Surveillance Solutions
‧ESD-650 ESD Surveillance Solutions
‧ACD-100 People Counter Surveillance Solutions
‧Prices Checker for Android Tablet PC
‧RFID for Windows CE PDA
‧Warehouse management system for Windows CE PDA
‧Inventory Management for Windows CE PDA
‧POS Scale for uCLinux
‧Data Termnial for 8-bit C-MOS Microprossor
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