04月24日星期三 甲辰年3月16日,龍

LACSS Action Camera Stream Services
LACSS App 是一套行動直播訊息的解決方案,將 Action Camera 、iPhone7(WiFi+4G)、LACSS 結合,即可以將影像直接傳達到主播站,你可以輕鬆獲得行動直播影像的樂趣。採用 RTSP /RTP /RTCP /RTMP 即時串流協定,來控制聲音或影像的多媒體串流協議。

kutech App

WOW3000 App 的應用是全世界第一台手持式光學辨識器,擁有國際發明專利,技術專利。使用先進的Color Array Sensor Algorithm技術,改善 PCB 計算數量生產作業流程,減少人工成本的支出,解決導入工業4.0製程中重要的一環。

kutech App

WOW-1000 吸音板微孔 AOI
WOW1000 App 是一套正在發展中的辨識應用,解決吸音板微孔良率的判讀。

kutech App

X-Sports 極限運動影音串流平台
X-Sports 是目前我們與客戶端正在研發的新產品,預計打造一個以極限運動為題材的App,必須整合影音播放技術,社群技術,雲端技術。

KP8200 1D/2D Barcode Data Collector with Bluetooth Module
專業客製化設計,1D/2D 藍牙無線條碼資料收集器模組,16Bit CPU、4MByte FLASH-ROM、Bluetooth 4.0+BLE、Bluetooth SPP/HID profile embedded、Micro USB 充電埠,藍牙連結iOS 與 Android。

kutech 2d bt

RETAILTECH JAPAN 2015 日本最大零售業展

KP8000 1D/2D Barcode Scanner Module
專業客製化設計,1D/2D mini Barcode Scanner Module 模組,迷你小尺寸32x32x15mm,圖像式(Imaging)條碼讀取,成本降低,輕鬆整合進您的系統。市場應用鎖定在 KIOSK, Lottery, Gaming/Bettin, Voting, POS, Laboratory, Medical & inspection, Recycle, portable device。  PLAY VIDEO

kutech 2d

KP8010 1D Barcode Scanner Module
專業客製化設計,1D mini Barcode Scanner Module 新款模組,迷你小尺寸32x32x15mm,光罩式(CCD)條碼讀取,成本降低,輕鬆整合進您的系統。市場應用在 KIOSK, Lottery, Gaming/Bettin, Voting, POS, Laboratory, Medical & inspection, Recycle, portable device。

kutech ccd

ESD1000 解決方案,採用新一代監控設備,成本降低,多樣功能的設計,具有刷卡、控制進出、語音通知、並可結合 CT8900、MK7800 靜電量測器,更能夠符合電子產業不同需求。

kutech esd


資源交易平台 app
iResource360 資源交易平台 app,提供最新上架、挖寶、搜尋、書籤、訊息等功能,支援中文繁體、iOS7平台手機。

您也會心動的 POS 解決方案
iPOS361 點餐解決方案,採用iPad2設計,您沒有看錯中間觸控的設備,正是您熟悉的 Apple iPad2。

Customer Information of Exhibition with iPad
iCustInfo361 is a quintessential software application that provides quick and easy collect of exhibition complete customer data. Customer data put away the iPad where they couldn’t be damaged or stolen. To record your customer data from your iPad. You have to export your customer data out of iCustInfo361 into a file that the other program can read and import. (2011/11/17)

Personal Blood Pressure for iPhone/iPad
The software ICARE360 Lite broke new ground in the realm of customer service. KUO YUE would like to introduce the personal blood pressure reading solutions in iPhone/iPad. To record your blood pressure reading from your home blood pressure monitor. (2011/10/26)

Price checker for Android Tablet PC
The android tablet devices aPRC8 broke new ground in the realm of customer service. KUO YUE would like to introduce the customer service solutions in shopping mall. The solution integrates inquire the prices, special offer and advertisement application.

iSc360 and IWSC360 for iPhone/iPad. (Ready for Sale)
Simply the best. This is an easy use data collection software, you no longer need to buy expensive PDA terminal for simple inventory work. Using the iPhone or iPad devices as data collection, you can match a Bluetooth barcode scanner to input your item barcodes to store in the iPhone/iPad. Annex collect data files you can select a text file format or Excel formats, files also can export through the e mail account.

iScope360 for iPad. (Ready for Sale)

KP8200 1D/2D Pocket Bluetooth
KP8210 1D/2D Pocket Bluetooth
KP8000 1D/2D Barcode Scanner Module
KP8010 1D Barcode Scanner Module
iBLETool360 藍牙探索工具 app.
ESD-In-Time Project at kutech
KP8200 Module Demo Video
KP8210 Module Demo Video
KP8000 Module Demo Video
 iPhone/iPad App (60)
血糖健康管理iPhone - Health Care
血糖健康管理iPad - Health Care
血糖進階管理iPad - Health Care
血壓健康管理iPhone - Health Care
血壓健康管理iPad - Health Care
血壓進階管理iPad - Health Care
iBMI361 - Health Care
iBMR361 - Health Care
iBMIAir360 - Health Care
藍牙探索工具iPhone - Surveillance
iCanSee361 4 Channel - Surveillance
iCare360/361 - Health Care
iCustInfo361 - Business
糖尿病照護管理 - Health Care
糖尿病照護進階管理 - Health Care
iDrawPhoto361 - Photo
iDrawPhoto361 Plus - Photo
iGameTree361 - Thesis
iGoAny360 - GPS
iGlu360/361 - Healthy
高血壓照護管理 - Health Care
高血壓照護進階管理 - Health Care
iKCal361 - Health Care
iInventory361 - WMS
iPassNote361 - Business
iPassNote361plus - Business
iKeyPass360 - Business
iKeyPass360plus - Business
iKeyPass361 - Business
iKeyPass361plus - Business
iNewNotes361 - Business
iPenAny360 - Painting
iPenAny361 - Painting
iPenAny361 Plus - Painting
iPenAny361 Pro - Painting
iPenPhoto360 - Photo
iPenPhoto361 - Photo
iPenPhoto361 Plus - Photo
iSBIC361 - WMS
iCalroicNeeds - Health Care
iVerifyGood360 - Inventory
iVerifyGood360 Plus - Inventory
iSC360 - Inventory
iSC360plus - Inventory
護理巡房管理iPad - Health Care
iWSC360 - Inventory
iView360 - Surveillance
iView360 Pro - Surveillance
 Google Play (9)
AndBMI- Health Care
AndBMR- Health Care
AndPriceChecker361 - POS
AndSC361 - WMS
AndSC361 Plus - WMS
Blood Glucose - Health Care
Blood Glucose Plus - Health Care
Blood Pressure - Health Care
Blood Pressure Plus - Health Care
AndHomeAuto361 - Surveillance
AndEHome361 - Surveillance
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